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How does Persuasion help you excel as a leader and a manager?

How does Persuasion help you excel as a leader and a manager? Persuasion in context with leadership… In the context of leadership, persuasion refers to the ability to influence and convince others to adopt a particular viewpoint, support a specific course of action, or change their behavior or attitudes. It is a critical skill for leaders as they strive to rally their teams, gain buy-in from stakeholders, and achieve their goals.   Persuading and Influencing as a leader… Persuading and influencing are related concepts in leadership, but they have distinct differences. Here’s how they can be differentiated:   Persuasion: Persuasion

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INFLUENCE TO INSPIRE A leader is a person who inspires, guides, and influences others towards a common goal or vision. A leader is someone who possesses strong interpersonal skills, strategic thinking abilities, and the capacity to motivate and inspire others to achieve their potential. They may hold a formal leadership position in an organization or may be an informal leader who is respected and admired by their peers. Effective leaders are able to communicate clearly, listen actively, and make decisions that benefit their team or organization. They also possess a strong sense of integrity and ethics, and are able to

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ALIGNING YOUR EXPECTATIONS WITH TEAM’S PERFORMANCE Aligning a leader’s expectations with the team’s performance is crucial for the success in setting and achieving the organisation’s goals. Here are few questions I feel we need to ask ourselves while we review it:   1. Are we establishing clear goals and objectives for the team? The leader needs to establish clear goals and objectives for the team. These can be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to ensure that they are aligned with the team’s performance or any other tool relevant and in line with the organisation’s vision.   2. Are

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Are you listening…actively? Active listening is a crucial skill for any professional, regardless of their field or position. By actively listening, professionals can enhance their performance in several ways. In my career I have witnessed many situations where my boss used to spend his important time in actively listening to us and my colleagues. We always found a great connect with him and our trust and faith in him and his guidance was immense which ultimately impacted our performance and productivity. Now that when I reflect upon his skills, there are top 5 advantages which I would like to highlight

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CONNECTING AT THE CORE As humans, we find connecting so natural and organic in the way we start belonging to each other. While I interpret the connection and dissect it in a way we think, act and behave, I find it fascinating how we play different roles in impacting ourselves and everyone around us.   Connecting with self: Connecting with self refers to the process of becoming more aware of and understanding one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as cultivating a deeper connection and relationship with oneself. This can include activities such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and self-care.  

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Listen To Lead I believe the most significant aspect of being a leader is the ability to listen. Listen to the clients, team mates, vendors…to every single person he comes in contact with. The ability to listen help leaders to understand the perspectives and needs of others, build trust, resolve conflicts, and make informed decisions. I would like to mention few insights on effective listening skills… Active Listening: Pay attention to what is being said, ask clarifying questions, and provide verbal and nonverbal feedback to show you are engaged in the conversation. Empathy: Try to understand the emotions and feelings

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How does Persuasion help you excel as a leader and a manager?

How does Persuasion help you excel as a leader and a manager? Persuasion in context with leadership… In the context of leadership, persuasion refers to the ability to influence and convince others to adopt a particular viewpoint, support a specific course of action, or change their behavior or attitudes. It is a critical skill for leaders as they strive to rally their teams, gain buy-in from stakeholders, and achieve their goals.   Persuading and Influencing as a leader… Persuading and influencing are related concepts in leadership, but they have distinct differences. Here’s how they can be differentiated:   Persuasion: Persuasion

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INFLUENCE TO INSPIRE A leader is a person who inspires, guides, and influences others towards a common goal or vision. A leader is someone who possesses strong interpersonal skills, strategic thinking abilities, and the capacity to motivate and inspire others to achieve their potential. They may hold a formal leadership position in an organization or may be an informal leader who is respected and admired by their peers. Effective leaders are able to communicate clearly, listen actively, and make decisions that benefit their team or organization. They also possess a strong sense of integrity and ethics, and are able to

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ALIGNING YOUR EXPECTATIONS WITH TEAM’S PERFORMANCE Aligning a leader’s expectations with the team’s performance is crucial for the success in setting and achieving the organisation’s goals. Here are few questions I feel we need to ask ourselves while we review it:   1. Are we establishing clear goals and objectives for the team? The leader needs to establish clear goals and objectives for the team. These can be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to ensure that they are aligned with the team’s performance or any other tool relevant and in line with the organisation’s vision.   2. Are

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Are you listening…actively? Active listening is a crucial skill for any professional, regardless of their field or position. By actively listening, professionals can enhance their performance in several ways. In my career I have witnessed many situations where my boss used to spend his important time in actively listening to us and my colleagues. We always found a great connect with him and our trust and faith in him and his guidance was immense which ultimately impacted our performance and productivity. Now that when I reflect upon his skills, there are top 5 advantages which I would like to highlight

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CONNECTING AT THE CORE As humans, we find connecting so natural and organic in the way we start belonging to each other. While I interpret the connection and dissect it in a way we think, act and behave, I find it fascinating how we play different roles in impacting ourselves and everyone around us.   Connecting with self: Connecting with self refers to the process of becoming more aware of and understanding one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as cultivating a deeper connection and relationship with oneself. This can include activities such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and self-care.  

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Listen To Lead I believe the most significant aspect of being a leader is the ability to listen. Listen to the clients, team mates, vendors…to every single person he comes in contact with. The ability to listen help leaders to understand the perspectives and needs of others, build trust, resolve conflicts, and make informed decisions. I would like to mention few insights on effective listening skills… Active Listening: Pay attention to what is being said, ask clarifying questions, and provide verbal and nonverbal feedback to show you are engaged in the conversation. Empathy: Try to understand the emotions and feelings

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How does Persuasion help you excel as a leader and a manager?






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